
After Hours Gaming League: Tech Giants Play (Starcraft) to Win

If you're a PCWorld veritable, you have undoubtedly understand rafts of articles speaking about the back-and-forth battles between Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and other technical school giants. One day IT's Zynga releasing a newly life-sucking social brave, another daylight it's a taradiddle along Yelp Nightmares. Even if no amount of Google Docs updates will ever pry Microsoft Office out of your men, it's still fun to read about.

The After Hours Gaming League.

Believe it or not, the competitor has recently continued sour the Silicon Valley pitch in the form of an extramural Starcraft 2 league, called the After Hours Gambling League (AHGL), produced by Jink.television receiver and hosted by none other than Starcraft 2 famous person announcer Sean "Twenty-four hour period[9]" Plott.

Every week, 12-military personnel teams from Google, Facebook, Amazon, Dropbox, Chitter, Microsoft, Yip, and Zynga are paired forth to play against from each one strange for the pureness and glory of their employer during a nine-week flavor that started on July 5th. The top two teams volition fitting in a live, on-stage issue at the Facebook campus connected Revered 19th for the conference patronage, and the winner gets to choose a charity to which the AHGL wish donate $5,000. What's more, the matches are recorded and announced, so you fanny watch them yourself–check them out at the AHGL Videos page.

We were fortunate enough to get a quick Q&A session in with Cara LaForge from Jink.television receiver about the background behind the AHGL.

What inspired the AHGL?

In Butt o, Sidereal day[9] was invited to host a StarCraft 2 tournament at Facebook. Helium went up and IT was just a huge hit–he was really almost unready for how popular the upshot was. There were a ton of employees WHO turned out and everybody had a blast, including Day[9].

Afterwards, the Communications group at Facebook reached out to U.S. at Sidereal day[9]TV and said: "We want to coif Sir Thomas More. Let's brainstorm. How can we join forces again?" We kicked close to some ideas, and together we hit on the idea of a corporate extramural league. Not a traditional one, with softball or basketball, but a practical one. We loved the idea–it was such a cunning, modern pull to a antiquated-designed corporeal custom. A polarity of the ever-changing times.

The Facebook folks promptly reached proscribed to their friends at other high tech companies, and almost immediately we had a six embodied teams signed up, both big and small–Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter, Google, Dropbox, Yelp and Zynga.

You would not believe how pop this game is you said it many of these engineers at high technology companies are serious players! They wholly grew up playing Starcraft equally kids. Thither is a lot of nostalgia out there surrounding the game–much of peachy childhood memories.

Sol the AHGL was really born out of a perfect storm: Starcraft was becoming more popular away the day, Day[9] was interested in legitimizing eSports and promoting it to a wider audience, and Facebook realised that an SC2 tournament was a great way to get the high tech community together for some fun.

With the supporte of a steering committee of the initiation joint members, we launched a closed genus Beta tournament, and set most ironing unfashionable the kinks and rulesets: i.e. WHO could get on a team? Summer interns ? Full time staff only? (What if somebody recruited an intern American Samoa a ringer!) How did we match players who suddenly had to travel on business? Team members who were placed in European Community on separate servers? Substitutes?

We as wel called on some good friends in the community of interests like the J!nx clothing folks, to lend us a hand with roughly media pieces and branding. And Blizzard offered to help with the Atomic number 59. So its been a real collaborative endeavor to get this dispatch the found.

But our net intention has e'er been to open prepared the AHGL to any companion that wanted to join. We'll represent doing that with Season Cardinal in the fall. By and so, it will be prepared to scale.

And do they e'er neediness to join! Afterwards we issued a release, the website received a quarter of a million hits within 48 hours before it crashed, and we were full with requests from mass wanting to form a corporate SC2 team. We've had inquiries from NASA, Pixar, IBM, Intel, Yokel, Verizon Wireless, Lowe's, Ernst & Young, Boeing, and virtually every separate of the military, to appoint just a few. We've even had requests to create a European segmentation and a Canadian variance. The response has been incredible.

Why Starcraft, of all games?

Starcraft is an amazing, complex, challeging scheme game. It requires years of study to get over. It is chess on steroids. IAnd conscionable like chess, IT has its own grandmasters, its own rivalries, its have subculture. It's a smart gamey for smart multitude. We have a lot of professionals–doctors, lawyers, engineers–in the community.

Plus, it makes for an absolutely riveting looker sport. You don't even have to play the courageous to get into the natural action and enjoy what is going on. In fact, at Day[9]Telly, half of our viewers suppose they tune into the show in spite of the fact that they don't actually play. The action is that compelling.

In Asia, StarCraft tournaments–or eSports, as the scene is far-famed–birth been a national obsession for geezerhood. In Korea, they take entire stadiums with fans to look on StarCraft tournaments, they broadcast games over cable television and they report game scores in the newspapers. The West is only just now beginning to pinch on thereto febrility. But it is definitely beginning to gather momentum.

Who's your pick to win it?

I think everyone wins hither – the players are having a blast and many of them are starstruck past the noted casters covering *their* games.

Where is the $5k sexual climax from?

It is conventional in SC2 tournaments to play for a choice kitty, and we desired our business firm gamers to flavor like they were split of a legitimate, high level, professional tournament, so Day[9]TV donated the prize consortium, which leave run short to a charity chosen by the winning team.

We also recruited a bunch of famous caster friends (DJWheat, TotalBiscuit, Strapping) to join Day[9] in professionally narrating the matches. The entire tournment is organism streamed publically on Internet goggle bo and the finals will be held live on the Facebook campus. We understand that a lot of the employees are gathering in conference rooms posterior at corporeal headquarters to watch the games and cheer on their colleagues. It's all part of the fantasy of being a pro player–just wish exit to a baseball camp out is break u of the fantasy of being a pro athlete. It's a real kick for these guys!

Are the players any good?

They're all in the top few pct of players worldwide, but it's hard to compare them to the pro grandmasters who spend all day every daytime practicing.

StarCraft has such a scary repute as a super hard game. We just want people to have fun, to embody elfin and empty-headed together. Day[9] has a theory that masses have forgotten how to play, have forgotten that games are an ancient art and play a sarcastic role in culture.

Got some fun AHGL stories/training montages/tales of deception?

Well, we manage love Microsoft's slogan: "big hard, micro soft!"

Patrick Miller covers How-Tos, HDTVs, and the occasional unfit for PCWorld. Come him connected Twitter and Facebook.


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